Call 0330 223 0099


This page is for professionals working within agencies such as police, health and social care, local authorities and the public sector who may wish to refer visitors to the SARC or familiarise themselves with our services.

For further information or training from our SARC, please get in touch by calling 0330 223 0099 or emailing us at (email is monitored from 9am-5pm Monday to Friday).

Our services

We offer adult services for those 18 years and older.

To refer someone to our service, call us on 0330 223 0099 at any time. Our comprehensive range of services includes:

  • Immediate over-the-phone rape and sexual assault support and signposting to specialist services
  • In-person rape or sexual assault crisis support and healthcare including access to medicine
  • Forensic medical examinations
  • Holistic examinations and care for non-recent cases
  • Collection and storage of forensic samples
  • Referrals to specialist counselling and Independent Sexual Violence Advisors (ISVA) support
  • Follow-up calls after an appointment

Patients 17 years and younger

SARC services for children aged 17 years and under are provided by the East Midlands Children and Young People’s Sexual Assault Service (EMCYPSAS). You can either refer to them directly by calling them on 0800 183 0023 or we can help you refer to their service. 

This video from the Child Sexual Abuse Centre offers a good overview of the medical examination. Please take a look to learn more and contact us if you have any queries.

Before an appointment

A patient may have been asked by The Topaz Centre or another professional to not wash their body or drink hot liquids before an appoint­ment. This is to help preserve forensic evidence. The comfort of our patients is most important so if this has happened don’t worry, they can still attend an appointment.

An appointment may last for 2 to 5 hours depending on the care and support needed so visitors may want to wear or bring some comfy clothes to change in to. During the appointment patients will be offered the opportunity to shower following the examination and can also change clothes then.

If you are bringing a patient to the SARC for an appointment, please try to arrive on time. If you think you are going to be early or late please contact us to let the staff know.

During an appointment

When patients at the centre they will meet our crisis worker and one of our nurses. The crisis worker will stay with them throughout their time at the centre to help and guide them. Both the crisis worker and nurse will support them and answer any questions they may have and will explain what happens during the appointment.
As part of the appointment, we will talk to patients about their healthcare needs and when necessary risk assess for pregnancy and blood borne viruses. We can provide free medication such as emergency contraception if needed.
Our team can also provide immediate sexual health advice and provide information around screening for sexually transmitted infections (STIs). We do not complete STI screening at the SARC but we can support and refer you to as service for this.

Forensic Medical Examinations

Medical examinations are conducted by our highly skilled and compassionate female nurses. 

Depending on when the incident happened, patients may be offered the option to have a forensic medical examination that includes checking for any physical injuries and collecting forensic samples. If an examination is something they are considering, it is best to contact us as soon as possible.

We offer to collect forensic samples even if a client does not want to involve the police at the time. This gives clients the option to have forensic evidence if they choose to report the incident at a later date. In this instance all samples will be stored at our SARC for 2 years.

During the examination the nurse and crisis worker will regularly check in with the patient to make sure they are ok and want to continue. Patients are in control and can have a break or stop the examination at any point. 

After the examination patients have the option of having a shower at the centre and we provide a care bag which has items such as shampoo and a toothbrush. We also provide clothing to change into if a patient’s clothing has been taken as evidence.

After an appointment

After an appointment, professionals and clients can contact us at any time to ask questions or to get further help and support. 

With their permission, one of our team members will call the client 6 weeks after their appointment to check in and make sure they have been contacted by the referral services recommended for them.


Get in contact
with us

Make an

Call our 24/7/365 telephone to make an appointment:

0330 223 0099


All referrals from Police and professionals should be made by telephone:

0330 223 0099


Visit our Resources page to find our leaflet and information on other helpful services.


We are not an emergency service.
If you are in danger or need immediate medical attention, please call 999.
For patients in a mental health crisis or who are suicidal, please call 999 immediately if in an emergency.
For urgent medical or mental health advice, please call 111.
For further information about medical support, please click the button below to visit NHS 111 online: 

For further information about mental health support, please click the button below to visit NHS Mental Health Services: